Shipping & Returns

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item to us in its original condition within 30 days of receipt. Returned items should be unused and still be placed within its original packaging, along with any enclosed documentation. We will issue a full refund upon receipt, excluding the original delivery charge and package insurance (if applicable). Alternatively, if preferred, we will exchange the item.

Orders placed before 4:00 PM will be delivered the next business day. Please note that any order placed after 4:00 PM on a Friday, will be delivered on Tuesday.

We adhere to a strict and thorough examination-process prior to sending out the goods. We endeavour to always ensure that all our shipments are in top condition before it reaches the customer.


  • Goods will only be accepted for return if they are dispatched within 30 days of delivery, unless we have notified you otherwise.
  • The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods. 
  • Once an item has been exchanged (including any further subsequent exchanges), it will count towards your 30-day return policy placed on your first purchase date. Any further requests past this point will be refused.
  • There will be a £5 admin fee deductible on the issuance of refunds. There will be no admin fee charges for exchanges.
  • We offer free return labels (for UK customers only) for retail customers wishing to return products.

If you purchase an incorrect item from us, please inform us immediately, quoting the order number so that we can cancel the order. If the order has already been dispatched, you are responsible for the safe return of the unused goods upon receipt of which we will arrange dispatch of the correct item(s) or cancel your order if you prefer. Before returning any items, please ensure you contact us to arrange the return. We will be unable to accept any products returned for refund without prior authorisation.

Items that are not returnable:

  • Items not returned in the condition they were received
  • Items that have obvious signs of use / damage /stains
  • Items that are returned more than 14 days after returns authorisation (30 days if outside the UK)
  • Unwanted items that were delivered more than 30 days ago

Should your item(s) fail assessment for the reasons stated above, or for any other reason we deem unacceptable, you will be liable for the cost of shipment back to you.

Always obtain a certificate of posting when returning items by mail. We cannot accept responsibility for returned items that are lost in transit.

It is recommended that - for your own protection - you should send the products back to Waysen UK Ltd per our instructions using recorded delivery so you have proof of delivery. Additionally, it is the customer's responsibility to take reasonable care of the goods during the cancellation period and we would, therefore, recommend the product(s) are returned with the original packaging in good condition to avoid the products being damaged on the return journey.

If you fail to take reasonable care of the goods before they are returned to us, and this results in damage or deterioration, we will charge you for the reduction in value or the return may not be authorised.
We will not accept any package that is sent without the correct postage. Such packages are treated as undeliverable by the carrier.

If you paid by PayPal and you have enabled PayPal's "Return Shipping on Us" service then you will be able to claim any return shipping costs from PayPal, including for many international orders. For more information on this service please refer to the PayPal website.

  • We offer free return labels for customers wishing to return products for exchange/refunds.
  • There will be a £5 admin fee deductible on the issuance of refund orders.